Bringing Decentralized Finance To Mars

Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Crolon Mars offers a comprehensive suite of off-the-shelf contracts that are free or nearly free to use, designed to democratize access to advanced financial tools.

Try our DEX and token launchpad

Trade on our AI driven one-of-a-kind DEX or supply liquidity and earn up to 50% of fees.

AI Launch

Launch on Marswap by using the 1st of it's kind AI powered launchpad.

CA Creator

5 clicks, and you can launch a 0% renounced tax free contract.

Create a presale

By simply clicking an extra box, you can add a presale

Visit Our MetaVerse

Crolon Mars is an exciting new metaverse project that is built on the Cronos chain. This innovative platform offers a unique and immersive experience where users can explore and interact with a virtual world unlike anything they've seen before. With the power of blockchain technology and cutting-edge virtual reality. Crolon Mars is set to revolutionize the way we think about online communities and digital environments. Whether you're looking for new adventures, social connections, or simply a new way to spend your time, Crolon Mars is a must-see destination for anyone interested in the future of the multiverse.



Our multiverse



Crolon Mars is a Mars metaverse built by a collaborative effort of leading companies, creating a seamless experience for users across multiple industries and platforms




Our Partners



"Each partner in the Crolon Mars metaverse is given the opportunity to have their own unique meta land, offering a personalized experience within the vast and diverse multiverse.



Reward system for partners and community



Crolon Mars Metaverse includes a reward system to incentivize partners and community members, offering benefits and recognition for their contributions to the virtual Mars environment.



Focus on user-friendly features.



Crolon Mars Metaverse project emphasizes user-friendly features, ensuring an intuitive and accessible experience for all participants as they collaboratively build and explore the virtual Mars environment.



Community-driven development.



Crolon Mars Metaverse is a community-driven development initiative where users collaboratively create and shape a virtual representation of Mars, leveraging collective input to build an immersive and interactive environment.


Launch a rocket on MarShotd

<<Trade on our AI driven one-of-a-kind DEX or supply liquidity and earn up to 50% of fees.



+ What is Marshot



MarShot is a tool similar to where you can buy into a launch before it reaches the DEX. However, unlike Pump,fun, you can't buy and sell. Instead, the developer has 1 hour to raise as much funds as they can before, it automatically launches on our DEX. We call each launch 'Rocket Launches'



What do you mean by no limits?



There is no softcap or hardcap required to be reached. Every single 'rocket' launched on MarShot will reach our DEX after one hour.



Why not just copy



MarShot is a tool similar to where you can buy into a launch before it reaches the DEX. However, unlike Pump,fun, you can't buy and sell. Instead, the developer has 1 hour to raise as much funds as they can before, it automatically launches on our DEX. We call each launch 'Rocket Launches'



What makes marshot different?



Our design means, that dev teams can not rug you and there is no real advantage to bot the rocket launches.



How does is cost to launch a rocket?



1 CRO. Yes, you read that correctly. 1 CRO.